SF 454 – E911 Consolidation
SF 454 makes recommendations contained within the 911 Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) Consolidation Study, as presented to the Legislature this year. The bill includes technical changes, including moving from E911 to 911 and updating various definitions to reflect current practice. The bill includes a consolidation plan that combines wireline 911 networks into wireless 911 networks. It creates shared service environment for Public Safety Answering Points call processing equipment and includes costs for development, deployment, operation and maintenance. The technical reasons for having two networks have been eliminated, and the creation of the shared service is a possible cost-saving measure.
The bill makes these funding changes:
- Leaves PSAP pass through at 60 percent
- Creates PSAP GIS grants at $15,000 per PSAP
- Land Mobile Radio funding is eliminated
- Carryover operating surplus for FY18: $7 million is used for a consolidation grants of $200,000; the remainder goes to PSAP for “receipt and disposition”
- Creates $9 million to support the consolidation plan
Finally, the bill requires the Department of Homeland Security & Emergency Management to develop a plan to combine the wireline 911 network with the next generation 911 network. The plan must describe anticipated costs, use of surcharges and use of shared services technology. The plan must also include suggested amendments to Code chapter 34A to allow the plan to be implemented. The department must submit the plan to the Legislature no later than January 15, 2018.
[4/5: short form (Bolkcom, McCoy “no”; Dotzler absent)]