Government Oversight Committee Report – week 13, 2017

SSB 1184 – Use of monitoring devices by government


SSB 1184 prohibits the state or a political subdivision, including a public library, public school or other government office open to the public, from using a monitoring device in a toilet, bath or shower facility, locker room, or other space where a person has a reasonable expectation of privacy. The bill defines “monitoring device” as a digital video and audio streaming or recording device. The bill nullifies any local ordinance, rule or other measure that permits using such monitoring devices. This bill is in response to an American Civil Liberties Union complaint against the Iowa City Public Library over privacy concerns with security cameras. In 2013, the ACLU of Iowa obtained recordings from the common areas of men’s and women’s restrooms via a public records request. The footage showed patrons changing and getting dressed.
[4/5: short form (McCoy excused)]