Transportation Committee Report – week 13, 2017

HF 463 – Responsibilities of Motor Vehicle Enforcement Officers
HF 314 – Safety passing a utility vehicle


HF 463 authorizes peace officers employed by the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) to enforce all laws of the state through July 1, 2018. State employees designated as peace officers will primarily engage in federal and state motor carrier safety and the lawful operation of commercial motor vehicle operators. The maximum age for a person employed as a peace officer with the DOT is 65. The bill strikes a provision that commercial learner permits must be renewed after 180 days and makes the permit valid for one year with no renewal period.
[4/4: 41-9 (Bisignano, Bolkcom, Danielson, Dotzler, Horn, Jochum, D. Johnson, McCoy, Taylor “no”)]


HF 314 states when approaching a utility vehicle with flashing lights, a driver must approach with due caution and change into the adjacent lane before passing. If moving to the adjacent lane is not possible, a driver must slow down and be prepared to stop.
[4/5: 50-0]