Wednesday: Legislators host discussion about “Medicaid for All” proposal for Iowa

June 20, 2017 Senate Staff 0

State Senator Matt McCoy and State Representative John Forbes invite the public to a public discussion of their “Medicaid for All” solution to Iowa’s health insurance mess. The goal is to ensure that every Iowan has access to more affordable and reliable health insurance. The event will be held at Des Moines Central Library, 1000 Grand Avenue, from 6 PM to 8 PM on Wednesday, June 21. The event will be livestreamed on Senator McCoy’s Faceboook page,

Quirmbach responds to tuition increase at Iowa’s state universities

June 8, 2017 Senate Staff 0

Republicans in charge of state government must reverse course to keep higher education affordable for Iowa families. Today, the Board of Regents voted to again increase tuition at Iowa’s three state universities this fall. That increase was prompted by more than $30 million in Republican cuts to our universities during the 2017 session.