Appropriations Committee Report – Week 12, 2018

HF 2254 – 911 emergency telephone systems. 



HF 2254 makes changes to the 911 emergency telephone communication systems. During the 2017 session, SF 500 required Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department (HSEMD) to design a plan for merging 911 wire-line and wireless 911 Next Generation Networks and determine potential cost savings.

The bill eliminates the wire-line network and creates a shared service environment to be run by HSEMD. Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) could voluntarily opt to use the shared service. PSAPs potentially could save $6.6 million in local expenses. HSEMD will fund projects out of the existing 40 percent wireless revenues. The bill removes the current $7 million cap from carryover, effectively zeroing out and passing through the operating surplus to local service boards every fiscal year. There is no change to how the 911 wire-line surcharge is collected or distributed, or how the 911 wireless surcharge fund formula is distributed to the local PSAPs.

The bill passed the Iowa House 98-0.
[3/27: 47-0 (Excused: Bertrand, Zumbach; Vacant: Dix]