SF 2326 – Motor vehicle enforcement officers;
HF 2196 – Using a phone while driving a commercial motor vehicle;
HF 2193 – Text notification and payment system for certain court fines;
HF 2304 – Adds stationary construction vehicles to Move Over, Slow Down.
SF 2326 allows Motor Vehicle Enforcement Officers at the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) to have the same powers, duties, privileges and immunities as peace officers for enforcing state laws, including but not limited to the rules and regulations of the DOT. The DOT must establish operational requirements to assure that 90 percent of all collective Motor Vehicle Enforcement focuses on commercial motor vehicles.
[3/12: 43-6 (No: Bisignano, Danielson, Dotzler, Johnson D., McCoy, Taylor; One seat vacant: Dix resigned)]
HF 2196 (SF 2162) aligns Iowa and federal law regarding charges for driving a commercial motor vehicle while texting or using a handheld mobile telephone. A violation results in a $50 fine. Making this change prevents Iowa from losing about $35 million in federal highway funds annually.
[3/14: 48-0 (Excused: Bertrand; One seat vacant: Dix resigned)]
HF 2193 creates a voluntary text notification and payment system for certain court fines and requires the Judicial Branch to contract with a private vendor for simple misdemeanors of Chapter 321 beginning July 1, 2020. The bill permits the vendor to collect a fee of 6 percent of the fine amount.
[3/13: short form]
HF 2304 adds stationary construction vehicles to the list of vehicles displaying flashing lights for which motorists must approach with due caution and make a lane change if possible. If a lane change is not possible, the motorist must reduce speed to what is reasonable for road conditions and be prepared to stop.
[3/13: short form]