Labor & Business Relations Committee Report – Week 17, 2018

SF 2353 – WIOA federal conformity 



SF 2353 confirms Iowa Code to the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014 (WIOA). The bill adds definitions; makes changes to the conflict of interest policy for State Workforce Board members; updates the political and gender balance of the State Board; and requires electronic posting of certain State Board information.

The bill makes changes to the membership of the local workforce boards; requires a majority of members representing business; makes the Chief Elected Officials responsible for appointees to the local boards, instead of the Governor; provides a list of functions to be carried out by local workforce boards; and makes changes to the political and gender balance of local boards.

As amended by the House, the bill makes the Iowa Department of Education the lead agency collaborating with Iowa Workforce Development on industry and sector partnerships.
[4/30: 46-2 (No: Bisignano, Taylor; Excused: D. Johnson, Zumbach)]