SF 2396 – Pilot project for park user fees at Lake Manawa.
SF 2396 would establish a pilot program for park user fees at Lake Manawa State Park in Council Bluffs. The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) would collect fees from nonresidents to access the state park and allow DNR to charge different rates for facility rental to residents and nonresidents. This system would mirror how the state of Nebraska charges fees for nonresidents to use their state parks. Lake Manawa is a busy state park that attracts lots of nonresident visitors because the park does not charge fees for access, unlike similar parks in the area. This has led to high use, the need for infrastructure repairs and demands on local law enforcement responding to illegal activity. It’s hoped the fees will cover park needs, while discouraging illegal activities. The pilot program would be repealed on July 1, 2021.
[4/12: 44-2 (No: Bolkcom, Dvorsky; Absent: Bertrand, Bisignano, Zumbach)]