SF 302 – Automated driving systems
SF 302 – Automated driving systems
SF 302 allows driver-less capable vehicles to operate on public highways without a human driver physically present in the vehicle if it meets these conditions:
- It is capable of achieving minimal risk conditions if a malfunction occurs that renders it unable to perform any dynamic driving task.
- It is capable of operating in compliance with the applicable traffic and motor vehicle safety laws that govern dynamic driving tasks.
- It is in compliance with all applicable federal motor vehicle safety standards.
- The owner maintains proof-of-financial-liability coverage and carries it in the vehicle.
- The vehicle must remain at the scene of an accident, and failure to comply may result in the owner being charged with related code violations.
The bill also authorizes a person to operate an on-demand driverless-capable vehicle network to transport goods and people. Automated driving systems will be governed and regulated by the Iowa Department of Transportation.
[4/17: 48-1 (No: Hogg)]