HF 485 – Purchasing for targeted small business procurement goals
HF 694 – EMS licensure & interstate compact
HF 485 – Purchasing for targeted small business procurement goals
HF 485 allows an emergency project to be eligible for a grant from the Community Catalyst Building Remediation Program Fund (without regard for application deadlines and the required percentage that is set aside for cities with small populations). An emergency project is defined as a remediation of an underused building that may present a unique and immediate opportunity or threat. This bill is codifying what currently is in the Iowa Economic Development Authority’s Administrative Rules. Tornado damage to Marshalltown in 2018 was the impetus for the bill.
[4/25: 49-0 (Excused: Chapman)]
HF 694 – EMS licensure & interstate compact
HF 694 establishes an Emergency Medical Service Personnel Licensure Interstate Compact to allow EMTs and paramedics licensed in Iowa to practice in other states. Participating states must meet standards set by the compact, including registration requirements, training requirements, investigation procedures and notification procedures. The compact allows a person to work within the same scope of practice in any compact state. The home state has sole authority to discipline a licensee. Member states in the compact participate in the Interstate Commission for EMS Personnel Practice.
The bill aligns Iowa Department of Public Health licensing authority language for EMS with language in the bill that establishes a multistate commission. It also establishes authority for IDPH to keep and retain new license application fees, which will include the required background check fee. Current law requires all licensing fees to be deposited into the EMS System Development Fund, which cannot be used by IDPH for administrative expenses. The bill will only affect new licensing applications. Renewal fees (which are the majority of the fees collected) will continue to be deposited into the EMS System Development Fund.
[4/25: 50-0]