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SF 252 – Section 8 Housing city ordinance
SF 252 prevents Iowa cities from mandating participation in the Section 8 Federal Housing Program. This action would allow landlords to turn away tenants who use public assistance to pay rent. Currently, Des Moines, Marion and Iowa City have ordinances requiring landlords to accept the vouchers. SF 252, as amended by the Iowa House and accepted by the Senate, maintains all current ordinances for two years. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development is the administrator of Section 8, which helps low-income families, the elderly and people with disabilities afford housing by subsidizing the cost for qualifying units.
[3/17: 30-17, party line (Excused: Goodwin, Hogg, Nunn)]
SF 443 – Funding eligibility for cities for abandoned buildings
SF 443 increases the eligible city population from 5,000 to 7,500 to receive grants from the Iowa Department of Natural Resources’ groundwater protection fund to aid abandoned building clean up.
[3/17: 47-0 (Excused: Goodwin, Hogg, Nunn)]