Iowa state Sen. Herman Quirmbach released the following statement regarding Thursday’s debate Senate floor debate on school funding:
“Statehouse Republicans’ low-ball offer on school funding insults parents and teachers and shortchanges our kids,” Sen. Herman Quirmbach, D-Ames, said. “Democrats have a better plan. We’re calling on the state to invest $267 million in our kids’ education today and Iowa’s future tomorrow.”
“Republicans are spending $267 million on corporate tax giveaways and private schools subsidies this year alone, while refusing to support public education at a time of rising costs and increasing needs,” Quirmbach said. “That’s not fair to our kids. Our priority should be stopping school closures, ending the teacher shortage, and adequately funding our public schools.”
Quirmbach is the ranking member on the Senate Education Committee.
Senate Democrats offered an amendment to increase school funding for the upcoming academic year by $267 million.