Remembering those who made the ultimate sacrifice

May 27, 2018 Senate Staff 0

This Memorial Day, there are many ways to pay tribute to those who made the ultimate sacrifice. Fly the flag, take a walk through the cemetery or visit a local monument. No matter where we are, we can all join in the National Moment of Remembrance observed across the country at 3 p.m. on May 28.

Senate Dem Leader’s 2018 session closing remarks

May 8, 2018 Senate Staff 0

Senate Republicans leaders said their agenda was simple: “KICK THE DOOR IN!” Unfortunately, Iowans are already feeling the consequences of having the door kicked in on them. The Republican-controlled legislature and Governor Reynolds did a lot of bad things to good people this session.

Senate Dem Leader on passage of GOP tax scheme

May 5, 2018 Senate Staff 0

Republicans passed a tax giveaway bill today that gives most of the benefits to out-of-state companies and millionaires.  It’s a bad deal for most Iowans. It will raise property taxes and result in cuts to health care, job creation, education and other services.

2018 End-of-Session Report

May 5, 2018 Senate Staff 0

This session, we heard from thousands of Iowans who work hard but struggle to get by. They just want a decent-paying job and the chance to lead a happy, healthy life. Our job in the Legislature is to listen and work to improve the lives of everyday Iowans.