Human Resources Committee Report – week 6, 2017

February 13, 2017 Senate Staff 0

SF77 requires facilities providing mammograms to include information on breast density in reports sent to patients pursuant to federal law, if the patient is categorized as having heterogeneously dense breasts or extremely dense breasts, according to national guidelines. T

Boulton: Iowans need more health security, not less

February 13, 2017 Senate Staff 0

“We will fight this attempt to take way health care security of hundreds of thousands of Iowa workers,” said State Senator Nate Boulton of Des Moines, lead Democrats on the Senate Labor Committee. “One of the most dangerous provisions of this anti-worker legislation would wipe out hundreds of health insurance plans for Iowa, teachers, correctional officers, EMTs, snow plow drivers, nurses and others who answer the call to serve our communities. That’s wrong.”

Today At 5:00 – Worker’s Rights Rally And Press Conference Before Public Hearing

February 13, 2017 Senate Staff 0

State Senator Nate Boulton will join Iowans gathering in support of workers’ rights for a rally and news conference before the House public hearing on HF291 today. Public employees who will speak to the Iowa House will address the media beforehand. They’ll voice their frustration about the Republican-led attack on workers’ rights that has been fast-tracked through the Legislature.

Transportation Committee Report – week 5, 2017

February 8, 2017 Senate Staff 0

SSB 1002 allows a peace officer to stop or detain a person solely texting while driving. The fine for this violation remains $30. SSB 1020 eliminates the prohibition of a person leaving a vehicle unattended without first stopping the engine.

State Government Committee Report – week 5, 2017

February 8, 2017 Senate Staff 0

SSB 1051 allows the commercial sale of fireworks. Current law says that a person who sells or uses fireworks is committing a simple misdemeanor. However, a county board of supervisors or the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) may grant a permit for the display of fireworks if the display is handled by a competent operator.

Education Committee Report – Week 5, 2017

February 8, 2017 Senate Staff 0

SF 83 expands the criminal offense of sexual exploitation by a school employee to include a person employed by a school district full-time, part-time or as a substitute; and a person who performs services as a volunteer or contract employee for a school district and who has significant contact with students.

The Basics: Collective Bargaining & Chapter 20

February 8, 2017 Senate Staff 0

Get the facts! Iowa’s collective bargaining law was approved with bipartisan support and signed into law by Republican Governor Bob Ray in 1974. The law lays out the rules by which public workers and state and local government employers sit down and solve problems. Click through to learn more.