Judiciary Committee Report – week 5, 2017

February 8, 2017 Senate Staff 0

SF2 directs the Iowa Department of Human Services to discontinue the Medicaid Family Planning Waiver, which receives a 90/10 match from the federal government. That means the federal government picks up most of the cost; Iowa currently pays only 10 cents out of every dollar. Instead, the bill directs DHS to establish a state family planning services program that will be funded 100 percent with state money.

Human Resources Committee Report – week 5, 2017

February 7, 2017 Senate Staff 0

SF 51 requires Iowa Department of Public Health to develop and publish information to educate and raise awareness of Cytomegalovirus (CMV) among women who may become pregnant, expectant parents, parents of infants, attending health care providers and others.

Transportation Committee Report – week 4, 2017

February 6, 2017 Senate Staff 0

Projects paid for with federal money have certain requirements that state and local money does, such as Davis-Bacon prevailing wage rates, Buy American provisions mandating the use of American steel and environmental impact studies. These requirements would no longer exist if SSB 1003 becomes law.

State Government Committee Report- week 4, 2017

February 6, 2017 Senate Staff 0

SSB 1026 clarifies and reaffirms the IEDA program implementation and administrative rule relating to the apprenticeship training by requiring that a person be an Iowa resident to qualify as an apprentice under the program for purposes of calculating financial assistance awards.

Judiciary Committee Report – week 4, 2017

February 6, 2017 Senate Staff 0

Senate File 2 directs the Iowa Department of Human Services (DHS) to discontinue the Medicaid Family Planning Waiver effective July 1, 2017. The Medicaid Family Planning Waiver receives a 90/10 match from the federal government, which means the federal government picks up most of the cost,

Education Committee Report – week 4, 2017

February 6, 2017 Senate Staff 0

SF 166 sets the FY18 regular school aid/state supplemental aid/allowable growth and the FY18 categorical allowable growth for schools at 1.11 percent. This bill establishes a total cost per pupil of $6,664, an increase of $73 per pupil. The 1.11 percent allowable growth rate in FY18 will cost the state $3.199 billion, an increase of $108.9 million over FY17.

Commerce Committee Report – week 4, 2017

February 6, 2017 Senate Staff 0

SF 176 transfers responsibility for certifying targeted small businesses under the targeted small business procurement goal program (and associated reporting requirements) from the Department of Inspections & Appeals to the EDA, and specifies that EDA may establish standards for public access to information obtained under the program.