Statement from Senate State Government Chair on “election integrity” proposals by Iowa Secretary of State

January 5, 2017 Senate Staff 0

As the first-in-the-nation caucus state, Iowa should have the best-in-the-nation election laws. Democrats believe that means Iowa’s elections must be the most accurate, secure and efficient in the country, without disenfranchising a single Iowan. Those values will guide our decisions to support or oppose proposed Republican changes to Iowa’s election laws.

Pre-session listening tour: Mason City, Waterloo, Davenport, DeWitt, Ottumwa, Anamosa

December 31, 2016 Senate Staff 0

Legislative Democrats are holding six listening sessions to begin our 2017 outreach. We’ll be stopping Jan. 3-6 in Mason City, Waterloo, Davenport, DeWitt, Ottumwa and Anamosa. Throughout the year, we hope to meet with Iowans across our state. We want to hear local concerns and share a positive vision for good jobs with good benefits, good schools, better health, and real public safety.

Senate Democratic Leader Rob Hogg on the release of the new Iowa Energy Plan

December 21, 2016 Senate Staff 0

“Democratic leadership led the way in developing Iowa’s statewide renewable energy industry. That’s because Iowa renewable energy is good for the environment and good for Iowa jobs across our state…We hope legislative Republicans will continue bipartisan support for clean, renewable energy. This is especially important because the incoming President and his nominees for key positions have expressed opposition to clean energy solutions.”