GOP education plan fails our kids and our communities

February 3, 2021 Senate Staff 0

Last week Republicans took money from our kids’ public schools to fund private school vouchers for the privileged few. They’re now launching a puny school funding plan that fails to make up for four years of neglect. Our kids and schools need much more help to overcome the learning challenges of the COVID19 pandemic.

Bipartisan bill would compensate college athletes

February 3, 2021 Senate Staff 0

A new bill would allow student athletes in Iowa to profit from promotional use of their names, images, and likenesses as early as July. SF 245 would allow student athletes to financially gain from marketing opportunities. Six states have enacted similar legislation.

Public Education makes Iowa great

January 28, 2021 Senate Staff 0

Iowa Senate Democratic Leader Zach Wahls rejected the private school vouchers bill being advanced by the Governor and Iowa Republicans that would drain millions of dollars away from Iowa’s public schools.