Local Government Committee Report – Week 2, 2018

January 16, 2018 Senate Staff 0

SSB 3017 gives counties and property owners another option for providing assessor notices. If an assessor is required or authorized by Iowa Code to send an assessment, notice or other information by regular mail, the assessor may instead provide the information electronically.

Judiciary Committee Report – Week 2, 2018

January 16, 2018 Senate Staff 0

SF 2010 allows federal officers to carry dangerous weapons (usually firearms) on school property, while on duty and off duty. HF 517, the “firearms omnibus” bill from the 2017 session, allowed peace officers to carry weapons on school grounds while not on duty. Federal officers were inadvertently omitted from that bill. SF 2010 fixes the omission.

New Iowa health care disaster approaches: End of hawk-i

December 18, 2017 Senate Staff 0

Iowa’s outstanding health insurance for children is at risk due to the Congressional failure to reauthorize the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Without federal action, the state of Iowa faces millions more in costs even though 44,000 fewer children would be insured.

Iowans are still paying price of failed GOP policies

December 11, 2017 Senate Staff 0

Statehouse Republicans adopted a my-way-or-the-highway approach to budget and policy decisions during the 2017 session. They ignored the voices of working Iowans who were begging them to keep their two biggest campaign promises: Raise family incomes by 25 percent and create 200,000 new Iowa jobs.

2018 session poses threat to Iowa retirees

December 11, 2017 Senate Intern 0

“IPERS and Iowa’s other public pension plans are secure, strong, and sustainable. Some current legislative proposals to change IPERS could break the promise we have made to hard working Iowans since 1953,” said Treasurer Michael Fitzgerald.