Judiciary Committee Report – Week 3, 2018

January 24, 2018 Senate Staff 0

Bills passed by the Senate Judiciary Committee this week would update trespassing laws, change estate sizes for certain probate purposes, and reflect current practices with electronic filing and record keeping in probate court.

Local Government Committee Report – Week 2, 2018

January 16, 2018 Senate Staff 0

SSB 3017 gives counties and property owners another option for providing assessor notices. If an assessor is required or authorized by Iowa Code to send an assessment, notice or other information by regular mail, the assessor may instead provide the information electronically.

Judiciary Committee Report – Week 2, 2018

January 16, 2018 Senate Staff 0

SF 2010 allows federal officers to carry dangerous weapons (usually firearms) on school property, while on duty and off duty. HF 517, the “firearms omnibus” bill from the 2017 session, allowed peace officers to carry weapons on school grounds while not on duty. Federal officers were inadvertently omitted from that bill. SF 2010 fixes the omission.