Our COVID Recovery Plan

January 27, 2021 Senate Staff 0

Iowans have been through a lot over the last year, particularly with the pandemic. It’s not over yet, but it is time for the Legislature to do all it can to help Iowa build back better, bigger and stronger than ever. Our focus this session is on a COVID Recovery Plan to help Iowa rebound from the ravages of the last year.

Public Education Disaster Week

January 24, 2021 Senate Staff 0

Monday, two harmful bills are being rushed through the Senate Education Committee before Iowans have time to respond.  SSB 1065 would divert taxes for public schools to private schools and SSB 1064 would make Iowa schools unsafe during the pandemic.

Leader Wahls’ 2021 Opening Day Speech

January 11, 2021 Senate Staff 0

In the weeks and months ahead, we will balance our legislative responsibilities and our leadership responsibilities. As Legislators, we have the responsibility of faithfully discharging the duties of Senator and upholding the Iowa Constitution. We also have the responsibility of following the best available public health guidance, and leading by example so Iowans are not forced to choose between life and liberty or safety and happiness.

Iowa Legislature Must Act to Feed Hungry

December 16, 2020 Senate Staff 0

We propose using the state’s ending balance or the state’s “rainy day funds” to provide $30 million or more in immediate supplemental food assistance for Iowans directly and through food banks, food pantries, and other feeding entities in Iowa.