Gov. Reynolds’ Misuse of Federal Pandemic Relief Funds

December 8, 2020 Senate Staff 0

Senator Claire Celsi is formally requesting that Republican leaders in the Iowa Senate convene a Senate Government Oversight meeting. The Legislature must ensure that all CARES dollars are used properly. If the State fails to do so, Iowa could be required to return misspent money.

Statement on Reynolds’ failed COVID strategy

November 16, 2020 Senate Staff 0

The Governor’s half-measured attempt at a mask mandate will not be enough to make Iowans safer, especially heading into the holiday season. Her actions today are simply too little, too late. Half-measures will only prolong this pandemic and the suffering of Iowans.

Wahls elected Senate Democratic Leader

November 15, 2020 Senate Staff 0

Democratic members of the Iowa Senate have elected Sen. Zach Wahls of Coralville to lead the Senate Democratic caucus. Also elected: Amanda Ragan of Mason City as Democratic Whip; and assistant leaders Nate Boulton of Des Moines, Bill Dotzler of Waterloo, Pam Jochum of Dubuque, Herman Quirmbach of Ames, and Jackie Smith of Sioux City.

Statement on Governor’s latest COVID steps

November 10, 2020 Senate Staff 0

Governor Reynolds’ latest steps to fight COVID are like buying a smoke detector after your house is blazing out of control. If the Governor had listened from day one to health care experts – including the White House Coronavirus Task Force – more Iowans would be alive today and the Iowa economy would be rebounding.

The Truth about Iowa Unemployment

October 21, 2020 Senate Staff 0

The headline today from the Reynolds administration of 4.7% unemployment in Iowa wildly underrepresents the dire current unemployment situation in Iowa. A truer unemployment number would be 12.3%.

Statement on Governor’s misuse of federal COVID funds

October 19, 2020 Senate Staff 0

Instead of directing more money to testing and contact tracing, paid sick leave for essential workers, food assistance, childcare subsidies, additional money for rent assistance, unemployment insurance, utility assistance, providing PPE to healthcare workers and educators, and to help schools prepare for the winter season — and myriad of other uses —  Governor Reynolds is using the CARES Act money as a means to fund pet projects and make Iowa’s budget appear flush with excess funds.