Labor Day: Iowa workers are our best asset

September 1, 2019 Senate Staff 0

As we celebrate Labor Day, Senate Democrats remain committed to fighting for working Iowans, restoring and protecting workplace rights, and ensuring Iowa employees and employers have a fair shot at getting ahead.

Continuing the fight for equality

August 26, 2019 Senate Staff 0

One way we can continue the push for equality is through equal pay. In Iowa, it is illegal for an employer to pay some workers less than others for jobs requiring equal skill, effort and responsibility. Nonetheless, wage inequality persists. These wage disparities are enormous over the course of a 40-year career.

Third bipartisan “Ag Day” for Iowa legislators

August 19, 2019 Senate Staff 0

This year’s event will focus on new conservation technologies, including terraces, waterways, improvements, tiling and cover crops. John Deere will provide hands-on demonstrations. Ryan Vogel, owner of an earth moving and tiling business, will discuss the impact of recent legislation on cost sharing.

Statement on latest privatized Medicaid contracts

July 10, 2019 Senate Staff 0

Gov. Reynolds has again agreed to give the MCOs the largest dollar increases for Medicaid in the last decade. The publicly managed Medicaid system grew at an average of 5% each year over a 10-year period before privatization. Last year, the increase was 8.4%. The increase announced today is a whopping 8.6%!

Fight for medical cannabis reforms continues

July 1, 2019 Senate Staff 0

Legislative advocates for reforming Iowa’s “worst in the nation” medical cannabis program will keep fighting for much-needed reforms vetoed by Gov. Reynolds. In April, HF 732 passed the Iowa House 96 to 3 and the Iowa Senate 40 to 7.